Tel: 817-523-3049 -- Fax: 817-523-7080

Welcome to Superior Animal Brokers!

Superior Animal Brokers pioneered the taxidermy mount brokerage business 29 years ago. We buy, sell, and trade taxidermy mounts of all kinds. Sometimes on very large collections we take them on consignment. We try our best to just purchase the higher quality mounts. We then clean, and repair any parts that need it. All mounts are restored to their natural colors. We have won awards in every taxidermy competition we have ever entered in. We deal in Birds and Fish mounts as well as animal taxidermy. We adhere strictly to all Federal Laws as well as the Individual Laws of all states regarding the buying and selling of all our taxidermy.

We try our best to sell the best quality taxidermy mounts at the most reasonable prices. Feel free to call or come by our NEW STORE in West Fort Worth. Thank you for your future business!